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dc.contributor.authorWan, T. T.-
dc.identifier.issn14720299 (ISSN)-
dc.description.abstractThis article outlines physical treatments for soft tissue pain in acute and chronic settings. Active treatments such as exercise and education are essential in the management of all soft tissue pains, but passive treatments, such as heat/cold treatment, ultrasound treatment, and massage are effective only in the management of acute pain. In chronic pain a multidisciplinary approach is often necessary. Self-management, goal-setting, and functional restoration are emphasized in treating chronic soft tissue pain.-
dc.publisherElsevier Ltd-
dc.subjectAcute pain chronic pain pain management physical therapy prognosis soft tissue pain acupuncture acute soft tissue pain analgesia article chronic soft tissue pain cold treatment diathermy exercise functional training health education heat treatment hydrotherapy massage pain physiotherapy postoperative pain priority journal self care soft tissue disease transcutaneous nerve stimulation trigger point ultrasound therapy-
dc.titleSoft tissue pain and physical therapy-
dc.typeJournal Article-
dc.contributor.swslhdauthorWan, Tai Tak-
dc.description.affiliatesNepean Hospital, NSW, Australia Ambulatory Care Department, Fairfield Hospital, NSW, Australia-
dc.identifier.departmentFairfield Hospital, Ambulatory Care Department-
dc.identifier.journaltitleAnaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine-
Appears in Collections:Fairfield Hospital

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