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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 1 to 5 of 5
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Frailty among older surgical patients and risk of hospital acquired adverse events: The South-Western Sydney frailty and nurse sensitive indicators studyMcEvoy, L.; Richter, M.; Chen, T.; Le, A.; Wilson, C.; Marov, L.; Gujraz, P.; Gray, L.; Mayahi-Neysi, M.; Francis, N.; Mai, H. T.; He, S.; Chróinín, D. N.; Frost, S. A.; McEvoy, Lynette; Chen, Tanghua; Le, Ann; Gujraz, Poumansing; Gray, Leeanne; Francis, Nevenka; Thi Mai, Ha; He, Steven; Ní Chróinín, Danielle; Frost, Steven A.; Wilson, Carol; Marov, Lynda; Wilson, Carol 
2023The diagnosis and management of pulmonary actinomycosisBoot, M.; Archer, J.; Ali, I. 
2023The diagnosis and management of pulmonary actinomycosisBoot, M.; Archer, J.; Ali, I. 
2023The diagnosis and management of pulmonary actinomycosisBoot, M.; Archer, J.; Ali, I.; Ali, Ishad 
2022Does delirium prevention reduce risk of in-patient falls among older adults? A systematic review and trial sequential meta-analysisHe, S.; Rolls, K.; Stott, K.; Shekhar, R.; Vueti, V.; Flowers, K.; Moseley, M.; Shepherd, B.; Mayahi-Neysi, M.; Chasle, B.; Warner, B.; Ní Chróinín, D.; Frost, S. A.; He, Steven; Rolls, Kaye; Moseley, Margaret; Shepherd, Bernadette; Chasle, Briony; Warner, Bradley; Ní Chróinín, Danielle; Shekhar, Rozina; Vueti, Vaulina; Mayahi-Neysi, Mandana 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 1 to 5 of 5