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Title: Erratum: Acute MANAGEMENT of HEMODYNAMICALLY UNSTABLE PELVIC TRAUMA PATIENTS: Time for a change? Multicenter review of recent practice
Author: Verbeek, D. O.
Sugrue, M.
Balogh, Z.
Cass, D.
Civil, I.
Harris, I.
Kossmann, T.
Leibman, S.
Malka, V.
Pohl, A.
Rao, S.
Richardson, M.
Schuetz, M.
Ursic, C.
Wills, V.
Issue Date: 2015
Journal: World Journal of Surgery
ISSN: 03642313 (ISSN)
Digital object identifier: 10.1007/s00268-014-2657-1
Appears in Collections:Liverpool Hospital

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