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Title: Protocol and rationale of the Australian multicentre registry for serial cardiac computed tomography angiography (ARISTOCRAT): a prospective observational study of the natural history of pericoronary adipose tissue attenuation and radiomics
Author: Cheng, K.
Lin, A.
Psaltis, P. J.
Rajwani, A.
Baumann, A.
Brett, N.
Kangaharan, N.
Otton, J.
Nicholls, S. J.
Dey, D.
Wong, D. T. L.
SWSLHD Author: Otton, James M.
Issue Date: 2024
Journal: Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy
Abstract:  Background: Vascular inflammation plays a crucial role in the development of atherosclerosis and atherosclerotic plaque rupture resulting in acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Pericoronary adipose tissue (PCAT) attenuation quantified from routine coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) has emerged as a promising non-invasive imaging biomarker of coronary inflammation. However, a detailed understanding of the natural history of PCAT attenuation is required before it can be used as a surrogate endpoint in trials of novel therapies targeting coronary inflammation. This article aims to explore the natural history of PCAT attenuation and its association with changes in plaque characteristics. Methods: The Australian natuRal hISTOry of periCoronary adipose tissue attenuation, RAdiomics and plaque by computed Tomographic angiography (ARISTOCRAT) registry is a multi-centre observational registry enrolling patients undergoing clinically indicated serial CCTA in 9 centres across Australia. CCTA scan parameters will be matched across serial scans. Quantitative analysis of plaque and PCAT will be performed using semiautomated software. Discussion: The primary endpoint is to explore temporal changes in patient-level and lesion-level PCAT attenuation by CCTA and their associations with changes in plaque characteristics. Secondary endpoints include evaluating: (I) impact of statin therapy on PCAT attenuation and plaque characteristics; and (II) changes in PCAT attenuation and plaque characteristics in specific subgroups according to sex and risk factors. ARISTOCRAT will further our understanding of the natural history of PCAT attenuation and its association with changes in plaque characteristics. � Cardiovascular Diagnosis and Therapy. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 22233652 (ISSN)
Digital object identifier: 10.21037/cdt-23-392
Department: Liverpool Hospital, Department of Cardiology
Appears in Collections:Liverpool Hospital

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