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Title: Merkel Cell Carcinoma Metastases to Caruncle with Orbital Extension: Report and Literature Review
Author: Herrera, J.
Tumuluri, K.
Issue Date: 2024
Journal: Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Abstract:  Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is an uncommon and aggressive skin cancer of neuroendocrine origin. The tumor usually presents with a locoregional spread and most frequently metastasizes to the skin, liver, bone, lung, and brain. Despite the orbit being a relatively common site of metastases, it has rarely been reported in patients with MCC. The authors present a case of biopsy-proven orbital metastatic MCC in an 86-year-old male who presented with a rapidly enlarging right caruncle/subconjunctival mass with orbital extension and a history of forearm MCC excision 3 years prior. There are only 3 reported cases of distant metastatic MCC to the orbit, all presenting as a mass originating from extraocular muscles; and no cases of caruncle involvement. � 2024 Wolters Kluwer Health. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 07409303 (ISSN)
Digital object identifier: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000002697
Appears in Collections:Liverpool Hospital

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