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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 516
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Baduanjin Mind-Body Exercise for Cancer-Related Fatigue: Protocol for a Remotely Delivered Randomized Wait-List Controlled Feasibility StudyWalsh, S.; Wang, K.; Lam, A.; Du, S.; Hu, Y.; Sun, Y. T.; Tcharkhedian, E.; Nikas, E.; Webb, G.; Moylan, E.; Della-Fiorentina, S.; Fahey, P.; Shelley Wang, X.; Chen, M.; Zhu, X.; Della-Fiorentina, Stephen A.; Webb, Gregory 
2024Dupilumab Improves Lung Function Parameters in Pediatric Type 2 Asthma: VOYAGE StudyBacharier, L. B.; Guilbert, T. W.; Katelaris, C. H.; Deschildre, A.; Phipatanakul, W.; Liu, D.; Altincatal, A.; Mannent, L. P.; Amin, N.; Laws, E.; Akinlade, B.; Jacob-Nara, J. A.; Deniz, Y.; Rowe, P. J.; Lederer, D. J.; Hardin, M.; Katelaris, Constance H. 
2024Microsatellite Instability Testing and Prognostic Implications in Colorectal CancerHo, V.; Chung, L.; Wilkinson, K.; Ma, Y.; Rutland, T.; Lea, V.; Lim, S. H.; Abubakar, A.; Ng, W.; Lee, M.; Roberts, T. L.; Becker, T. M.; Mackenzie, S.; Chua, W.; Lee, C. S.; Wilkinson, Kate; Ma, Yafeng; Rutland, Tristan; Lea, Vivienne; Lim, Stephanie H.; Ng, Weng L.; Lee, Mark T.; Becker, Therese M.; Roberts, Tara L.; Mackenzie, Scott; Chua, Wei; Lee, Cheok S. 
2024Impact of internet addiction and gaming disorder on body weight in children and adolescents: A systematic reviewChe Mokhtar, M.; McGee, R.; McGee, Richard G. 
2024A systematic review and meta-synthesis of qualitative research investigating disordered eating and help-seeking in elite athletesCamden and Campbelltown Hospitals, Department of Mental Health Research; Fatt, S. J.; George, E.; Hay, P.; Jeacocke, N.; Day, S.; Mitchison, D.; Hay, Phillipa 
2024Carer Outcomes From a Residential Treatment Service for Eating DisordersDay, S.; Mitchison, D.; Gill, K.; Rankin, R.; Tannous, W. K.; Hay, P.; Hay, Phillipa 
2024The Chronic Angioedema Registry (CARE): Rationale, Methods and ImplementationButtgereit, T.; Aulenbacher, F.; Gutsche, A.; Kolkhir, P.; Weller, K.; Vera-Ayala, C.; Magerl, M.; Farkas, H.; Grumach, A. S.; Aygoren-Pursun, E.; Bara, N.; Ben-Shoshan, M.; Bernstein, J.; Betschel, S.; Bouillet, L.; Caballero, T.; Cancian, M.; Castaldo, A. J.; Cimbollek, S.; Cohn, D. M.; Craig, T.; Fomina, D.; Gelincik, A.; Grivcheva-Panovska, V.; Jindal, A.; Katelaris, C.; Kessel, A.; Kinaciyan, T.; Longhurst, H. J.; Martinez-Saguer, I.; Riedl, M.; Schoffl, C.; Staubach, P.; Zanichelli, A.; Zhi, Y.; Balle-Boysen, H.; Fok, J. S.; Li, P. H.; Hakl, R.; Hide, M.; Peter, J.; Maurer, M.; Katelaris, Constance H. 
2024Correction to: Swedish massage as an adjunct approach to Help suppOrt individuals Pregnant after Experiencing a prior Stillbirth (HOPES): a convergent parallel mixed-methods single-arm feasibility trial protocol (Pilot and Feasibility Studies, (2024), 10, 1, (67), 10.1186/s40814-024-01499-z)Fogarty, S.; Heazell, A. E. P.; Munk, N.; Hay, P.; Hay, Phillipa 
2024Machine learning, advanced data analysis, and a role in pregnancy care? How can we help improve preeclampsia outcomes?Hennessy, A.; Tran, T. H.; Sasikumar, S. N.; Al-Falahi, Z.; Hennessy, Annemarie; Al-Falahi, Zaidon; Tran, Tu H. 
2024Explaining the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Massage Therapists in Australia and Canada: A Mixed Methods StudyFogarty, S.; Hay, P.; Calleri, F.; Fiddes, L.; Barnett, R.; Baskwill, A.; Hay, Phillipa 
2024Safety of vaginal oestrogens for genitourinary symptoms in women with breast cancerKiely, B. E.; Liang, R.; Jang, C.; Magraith, K.; Kiely, Belinda E. 
2024The Australasian Registry for Severe Cutaneous Adverse Reactions (AUS-SCAR) - Providing a roadmap for closing the diagnostic, patient, and healthcare gaps for a group of rare drug eruptionsKeat, Karuna; James, F.; Goh, M. S.; Vogrin, S.; Ng, I.; Douglas, A. P.; Holmes, N. E.; Chua, K. Y.; De Luca, J.; Sharma, P.; Zubrinich, C.; Aung, A. K.; Gin, D.; Lambros, B.; Baker, C.; Foley, P.; Chong, A. H.; Thien, F.; Fok, J. S.; Su, J.; Scardamaglia, L.; Awad, A.; Tong, S.; Johnson, D.; Godsell, J.; Arasu, A.; Barnes, S.; Ojaimi, S.; Mar, A.; Yun, J.; Ange, N.; Tong, W. W. Y.; Carr, A.; Loprete, J.; Katelaris, C. H.; Slape, D.; Keat, K.; West, T. A.; Lee, M.; Smith, W.; Hissaria, P.; Sidhu, S.; Janson, S.; Venkatesan, S.; Davies, J.; Lane, M. J.; Redmond, A. M.; Robertson, I.; Legg, A.; Fernando, S.; Boyle, T.; Li, J.; Phillips, E. J.; Cleland, H.; Kern, J. S.; Trubiano, J. A.; Katelaris, Constance H.; Lee, Monique; West, Timothy A.; Slape, Dana 
2024Assessment of long-term safety and efficacy of dupilumab in children with asthma (LIBERTY ASTHMA EXCURSION): an open-label extension studyBacharier, L. B.; Maspero, J. F.; Katelaris, C. H.; Fiocchi, A. G.; Gagnon, R.; de Mir, I.; Guilbert, T. W.; Jackson, D. J.; Staudinger, H. W.; Laws, E.; Mannent, L. P.; Akinlade, B.; Maloney, J.; Tawo, K.; Khokhar, F. A.; Li, N.; Hardin, M.; Abdulai, R. M.; Lederer, D. J.; Robinson, L. B. 
2024Amanita phalloides-Associated Liver Failure: Molecular Mechanisms and ManagementKayes, T.; Ho, V.; Kayes, Tahrima; Ho, Vincent 
2024Adherence Outcomes and Risk Factors Predicting Nonadherence to Active Surveillance in Patients With Stage 1 Testicular Germ Cell TumorsLiang, R.; Adams, D.; Roncolato, F.; Asghari, R.; Descallar, J.; Pal, A.; Chua, W.; Balakrishnar, B.; Liang, Roger; Pal, Abhijit; Chua, Wei; Balakrishnar, Bavanthi; Adams, Diana; Roncolato, Felica T.; Asghari, Ray 
2024Air or Oxygen for Infant Resuscitation: A Prospective Cohort Study of Moderate-Late Preterm Infants Requiring Delivery Room ResuscitationSotiropoulos, J. X.; Binoy, S.; Pham, T. A. N.; Yates, K.; Allgood, C. L.; Kunjunju, A.; Tracy, M.; Smyth, J.; Oei, J. L.; Allgood, Catherine 
2024Gastric Alimetry Expands Patient Phenotyping in Gastroduodenal Disorders Compared with Gastric Emptying ScintigraphyWang, W. J.; Foong, D.; Calder, S.; Schamberg, G.; Varghese, C.; Tack, J.; Xu, W.; Daker, C.; Carson, D.; Waite, S.; Hayes, T.; Du, P.; Abell, T. L.; Parkman, H. P.; Huang, I. H.; Fernandes, V.; Andrews, C. N.; Gharibans, A. A.; Ho, V.; OGrady, G.; Ho, Vincent; Wang, William J. 
2024Discussing Weight with Patients in Primary Care in Australia: A Mixed Methods Experimental StudyWest, M. L.; Rathbone, J. A.; Bilal, M.; Fernando, A. N.; Sharp, G.; Bilal, Maria 
2024Severe and enduring anorexia nervosa and the proposed "Terminal anorexia" category: an expanded meta synthesisCamden and Campbelltown Hospitals, Department of Mental Health Research; Kiely, L.; Conti, J.; Hay, P.; Hay, Phillipa 
2024A summary of the 2023 Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ) hypertension in pregnancy guidelineShanmugalingam, R.; Barrett, H. L.; Beech, A.; Bowyer, L.; Crozier, T.; Davidson, A.; Dekker Nitert, M.; Doyle, K.; Grzeskowiak, L.; Hall, N.; Cheikh Hassan, H. I.; Hennessy, A.; Henry, A.; Langsford, D.; Lee, V. W. S.; Munn, Z.; Peek, M. J.; Said, J. M.; Tanner, H.; Taylor, R.; Ward, M.; Waugh, J.; Yen, L. L. Y.; Medcalf, E.; Bell, K. J. L.; Ackermann, D.; Turner, R.; Makris, A.; Shanmugalingam, Renuka; Hall, Nicole; Makris, Angela; Hennessy, Annemarie 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 516

Recent Submissions

Use of Allied Health Services in Rural Northern Victoria, Australia

Toxic shock syndrome secondary to Group A Streptococcus infection: A case report

Residential versus day program treatment for eating disorders: A comparison of post-treatment outcomes and predictors

Real-world impact of pembrolizumab availability for deficient mismatch repair metastatic colorectal cancer

Exercise in cancer care for people with lung cancer: A narrative synthesis

Evaluation of the analytical and clinical accuracy of four blood glucose meters in pregnant women with hyperglycaemia

b3-adrenergic agonist counters oxidative stress and Na1 -K1 pump inhibitory S-glutathionylation of placental cells: implications for preeclampsia

Advocacy in Action: International Patient Group Improves Hereditary Angioedema Diagnosis and Care Across the Asia?Pacific

Aerobiology matters: Why people in the community access pollen information and how they use it

Advanced electrocardiography heart age: a prognostic, explainable machine learning approach applicable to sinus and non-sinus rhythms

A Comparison of Australian Oncology Clinicians' Smoking Cessation Care Practices for People Who Currently Smoke Versus Those Who Report Recently Stopping Smoking

Impact of internet addiction and gaming disorder on body weight in children and adolescents: A systematic review

Further Validation for a Measure of Disordered Eating in an Independent Sample of Male and Female Elite Athletes: The Athletic Disordered Eating (ADE) Scale

Digital learning of clinical skills and its impact on medical students? academic performance: a systematic review

Cost-utility and cost consequence of a telehealth intervention targeting improvement in addictive eating for Australian adults (the TRACE program)

Carer Outcomes From a Residential Treatment Service for Eating Disorders

Adrenaline injector devices - A 2024 update on prescribing

Amanita phalloides-Associated Liver Failure: Molecular Mechanisms and Management

An International Delphi Consensus on the Management of Pollen-Food Allergy Syndrome: A Work Group Report of the AAAAI Adverse Reactions to Foods Committee

Managing cancer-related pain in the setting of proven IgE-mediated opioid anaphylaxis