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Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 1501
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Most Hospital-Acquired Complications among Older Adults Are Associated with Frailty: The South-Western Sydney Frailty and Hospital-Acquired Complications StudyFrost, S. A.; Ni Chroinin, D.; Mc Evoy, L.; Francis, N.; Deane, V.; Bonser, M.; Wilson, C.; Perkins, M.; Shepherd, B.; Vueti, V.; Shekhar, R.; Mayahi-Neysi, M.; Hillman, K. M.; Vueti, Vaulina; Shekhar, Rozina; Wilson, Carol; Perkins, M.; Shepherd, Bernadette; Frost, Steven A.; Ní Chróinín, Danielle; McEvoy, Lynette; Francis, Nevenka 
2024Maternal antenatal depression, oxytocin, and infant temperament: The roles of ethnicity and adult attachment avoidanceKohlhoff, J.; Karlov, L.; Dadds, M.; Barnett, B.; Silove, D.; Eapen, V. 
2024Nursing management of catheter-related non-infectious complications of PD: Your questions answeredFigueiredo, A. E.; Hurst, H.; Neumann, J. L.; Chow, J. S. F.; Walker, R.; Woodhouse, J.; Punzalan, S.; Tomlins, M.; Cave, K.; Brunier, G. 
2024Supports that help me to live well in the community: experiences of people living with schizophreniaStewart, K.; Hancock, N.; Chapparo, C.; Stancliffe, E. R. J. 
2024Can we effectively manage binge eating disorder with pharmacotherapy?Hay, P.; de Moraes, C. E. F.; Appolinario, J. C. 
2024Return on investment of fracture liaison services: a systematic review and analysisXu, L.; Zhao, T.; Perry, L.; Frost, S. A.; Di Tanna, G. L.; Wang, S.; Chen, M.; Kolt, G. S.; Jan, S.; Si, L. 
2024Quality of Life in Hungarian Parents of Autistic IndividualsVolgyesi-Molnar, M.; Gyori, M.; Eapen, V.; Borsos, Z.; Havasi, A.; Jakab, Z.; Janoch, L.; Nemeth, V.; Oszi, T.; Szekeres, A.; Stefanik, K. 
2024Patients? experience of incontinence and incontinence-associated dermatitis in hospital settings: a qualitative studyBarakat-Johnson, M.; Lai, M.; Basjarahil, S.; Campbell, J.; Cunich, M.; Disher, G.; Geering, S.; Ko, N.; Leahy, C.; Leong, T.; McClure, E.; O?Grady, M.; Walsh, J.; White, K.; Coyer, F. 
2024Frailty in the prediction of delirium in the intensive care unit: A secondary analysis of the Deli studyFrost, S. A.; Brennan, K.; Sanchez, D.; Lynch, J.; Hedges, S.; Hou, Y. C.; El Sayfe, M.; Shunker, S. A.; Bogdanovski, T.; Hunt, L.; Alexandrou, E.; Rolls, K.; Chroinin, D. N.; Aneman, A.; Sanchez, David; Al Sayfe, Masar; Brennan, Kathleen; Hedges, Sonja 
2024Co-Creation in Research: Further Reflections From the ?Co-Creating Safe Spaces? ProjectFitzpatrick, S. J.; Lamb, H.; Oldman, E.; Giugni, M.; Chakouch, C.; Morse, A. R.; Gulliver, A.; Stewart, E.; Oni, H. T.; Miller, B.; Edwards, B.; Stewart, K.; Bliokas, V.; Ellis, L. A.; Shand, F.; Calear, A. L.; Banfield, M. 
2024Experiences of moral distress among health care professionals in oncology and palliative care in Australia: a qualitative investigationRatcliffe, S. E.; Rosenberg, J.; Stafford, L.; Kelly, B. J.; Agar, M.; Best, M.; Boon, K.; Dhillon, H. M.; Kissane, D.; Lobb, E. A.; Milne, D.; Philip, J.; Turner, J.; Shaw, J. M. 
2024Explaining the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Massage Therapists in Australia and Canada: A Mixed Methods StudyFogarty, S.; Hay, P.; Calleri, F.; Fiddes, L.; Barnett, R.; Baskwill, A.; Hay, Phillipa 
2024Perioperative pathways for children with neurodevelopmental conditions and behaviours that challenge: An evaluation of parent experiences for service improvementOng, N.; Ahuja, H.; de Lima, J.; Tomsic, G.; Garg, P.; Silove, N.; Henao Urrego, B.; Weatherall, A. 
2024Utilisation of Chronic Disease and Mental Health Management Services and Cardioprotective Medication Prescriptions in Primary Care for Patients With Cardiovascular Diseases and Cancer: A Cross-Sectional StudyTu, Q.; Hyun, K.; Hafiz, N.; Knight, A.; Hespe, C.; Chow, C. K.; Briffa, T.; Gallagher, R.; Reid, C. M.; Hare, D. L.; Zwar, N.; Woodward, M.; Jan, S.; Atkins, E. R.; Laba, T. L.; Halcomb, E.; Hollings, M.; Singleton, A.; Usherwood, T.; Redfern, J. 
2024Optimising body weight in people with obesity prior to knee or hip arthroplasty: A feasibility study utilising a dietitian-led low inflammatory dietGenel, F.; Pavlovic, N.; Gao, M.; Hackett, D.; Lewin, A.; Piya, M.; Mills, K.; Brady, B.; Dennis, S.; Boland, R.; Harris, I. A.; Flood, V. M.; Adie, S.; Naylor, J. M.; Brady, Bernadette; Harris, Ian A.; Piya, Milan K.; Pavlovic, Natalie; Hackett, Danella; Boland, Robert A. 
2024A Systematic Review of the Effect of PTSD and Trauma on Treatment Outcomes for Eating DisordersCamden and Campbelltown Hospitals, Department of Mental Health Research; Day, S.; Hay, P.; Tannous, W. K.; Fatt, S. J.; Mitchison, D.; Hay, Phillipa 
2024Evidence for the evolving role of neoadjuvant and perioperative immunotherapy in resectable non-small cell lung cancerHansen, T.; Hill, J.; Tincknell, G.; Siu, D.; Brungs, D.; Clingan, P.; Chantrill, L.; Nindra, U. 
2024Did Inequalities in Mothers? and Children?s Health and Well-Being in Japan Increase through the Pandemic? Evidence from Nationwide Surveys and Routinely Collected DataTakeuchi, H.; Satoh, Y.; Raman, S.; Spencer, N. 
2024Heavy drinkers? expectations and experiences when discussing alcohol use during a general practice visit inAustralia: A qualitative studyGunatillaka, N.; Tam, C. W. M.; Ngo, K.; Sturgiss, E. 
2024How doctors can lead the way in their communities: Co-creation, the Indian community and organ donation registrationMoloney, G.; Ghelani, D.; Lakshmanan, R.; Upcroft, L.; Hutchinson, M.; Norton, M.; Sutherland, M.; Walker, I.; Rienks, S. 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Issue Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 1501

Recent Submissions

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